Unified New Year Resolutions -Many small steps can make a big change.

A brand-new beginning is coming towards you, do you want to make it better than last year? Of course Yes, so let’s make a change with new year resolutions and make this year the best. What made the last year bad? Or less fruitful? It might be the pandemic, loneliness, laziness, procrastination, give up, etc.Continue reading “Unified New Year Resolutions -Many small steps can make a big change.”

What is Big Bang? (How universe formed and the big bang theory)

What is Big Bang? It is the answer to the question of how the universe began. It’s due to big bang that stars, galaxies, planets, humans, plants, etc. came into existence. It is the initial formation of the universe. Our universe began from a very hot and compressed point with infinite temperature, infinite density butContinue reading “What is Big Bang? (How universe formed and the big bang theory)”

Why is space black?

This question was first asked by German Astronomer Heinrich Wilhelm The simple answer is because space is expanding. Let’s understand the answer in a simple way. Olber’s Paradox Solving the paradox Bing bang And you get the complete answer Olber’s Paradox (also called dark sky paradox) It states that if the universe is infinite static and timeless, and thereContinue reading “Why is space black?”

How to score the best marks in exams ? (The best strategies to follow)

How to score best in exams? Is your target to score the best in these exams? Here is the key that will help you to get the best marks you have ever got. And it actually works. Develop Interest 😀 The main thing that will help you is interest. But how to develop it especiallyContinue reading “How to score the best marks in exams ? (The best strategies to follow)”

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