Life-Changing Challenges

Challenges are the surprise walls. If you cross it, you will get a life-changing surprise. And I am here with 5-6 challenges that will do the same. Set the time of 30 days and see the change in yourself. “If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you.” ~ Fred DeVito Before introducing the challenge,Continue reading “Life-Changing Challenges”


How do we hear simple vibrations of air molecules as sound with different frequences and tunes? Let’s understand it together! Let’s have a look to the parts of human ear to learn it better. Our ear is divided into three parts. These work together to hear sound. Outer ear ( includes Pinna and ear cannelContinue reading “WE HEAR SOUND FROM EARS”

What is Big Bang? (How universe formed and the big bang theory)

What is Big Bang? It is the answer to the question of how the universe began. It’s due to big bang that stars, galaxies, planets, humans, plants, etc. came into existence. It is the initial formation of the universe. Our universe began from a very hot and compressed point with infinite temperature, infinite density butContinue reading “What is Big Bang? (How universe formed and the big bang theory)”

Why is space black?

This question was first asked by German Astronomer Heinrich Wilhelm The simple answer is because space is expanding. Let’s understand the answer in a simple way. Olber’s Paradox Solving the paradox Bing bang And you get the complete answer Olber’s Paradox (also called dark sky paradox) It states that if the universe is infinite static and timeless, and thereContinue reading “Why is space black?”

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